- 1Reference: B507
Title: Assignment i) Jeremiah Smith, Leagrave, Luton, farmer ii) Roger Juggins, Harlington, yeo. ASSIGNM...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Jan 1807
Production date: From: 1807 To: 1807 - 2Reference: X277/139
Title: Lease of Hill Farm, Caddington. 9 yrs @ £145 p.a. (i) Hen. Brandreth Esq. Rev. Thos. Wynter Mead R...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 June 1827
Production date: From: 1827 To: 1827 - 3Reference: X277/621
Title: Bundle of vouchers X277/621/1-10 Puddephatt's accounts, trustees' dinners (Sugarloaf) hair cutting,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1825
Production date: From: 1825 To: 1825 - 4Reference: GK20/1
Title: Release and Conveyance 1) Geo Palmer of Clophill, victualler, eldest son and heir of Jn Palmer, la...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 Dec 1831
Production date: From: 1821 To: 1831 - 5Reference: SF4/8
Title: Sales poster for auction by George Greene of two scotch carts, 300 bushels of ashes and night soil, ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 Mar 1865
Production date: From: 1865 To: 1865 - 6Reference: L10/62
Title: Assignment of Term (1000 yrs.) 120 (ii - i) (i) Wm. Wyman of Clophill schoolmaster (excr. of will...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 May 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818 - 7Reference: L10/67-68
Title: Conveyance (L. & R.), Covenant to levy a Fine. 133 (vii - vi); and Assignment. 142 (vii - i, ii, ii...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19-20 Jul 1820
Production date: From: 1820 To: 1820 - 8Reference: Z660/D/7/1
Title: Will of 9 Sep 1758 Thomas Harriman of Luton, victualler: - to his son-in-law Richard Barton of Luto...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 Sep 1758, 1 Feb 1766
Production date: From: 1758 To: 1766 - 9Reference: Z50/98/14
Title: Photographs of various views of Salford including some from postcards. Group at work in yard - F. S...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c. 1895
Production date: From: 1890 To: 1900 - 10Reference: X815/8/1
Title: Conveyance i) Lovell Smeathman, Great Missenden, Bucks, surgeon ii) John Gray, Luton, builder i...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 Jan 1849
Production date: From: 1844 To: 1849