- 1Reference: X803/29
Title: Mortgage i) John Savill, Bedford, draper and wife Sarah (niece and heir at law of Edward Stockdale,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 Jan 1786
Production date: From: 1786 To: 1786 - 2Reference: R2/3b
Title: Ampthill. Draft of above (at back, observations by William Jennings, Evershot, Dorset, Jan. 1820)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1819-1820
Production date: From: 1819 To: 1820 - 3Reference: L5/590
Title: Conveyance (feoffment): 15.15.0. (i) Wm. Jennings of Maulden, yeo., e. bro& h. of Joan, late of Ma...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22 May 1738
Production date: From: 1738 To: 1738 - 4Reference: L10/1-2
Title: Marriage Settlement (L. & R.) Marr. of iii & iv. 2400, iv's marr. portion.10s. v - i. (i) Tim. S...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 24-25 Oct 1755
Production date: From: 1755 To: 1755 - 5Reference: L10/26
Title: Mortgage (Copy) 1000 yrs. 80 (i) Wm. Jennings of Maulden, yeo. (ii) Edwd. Larrance of Silsoe, ye...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 Sep 1741
Production date: From: 1741 To: 1818 - 6Reference: L10/30
Title: Coveyance (L. & R.) (Copy, 1 document) 240, iii-i; 10s. iii & Webb -ii (i) Judith Smart of Maulden,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 24-25 Mar 1753
Production date: From: 1753 To: 1753 - 7Reference: L10/31
Title: Discharge (Legacies) (Copy) (i) Ric. Cann of Hemel Hempstead, Herts., blacksmith and w. My. Tim....
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 25 Mar 1753
Production date: From: 1753 To: 1818 - 8Reference: L10/36
Title: Deed of Exchange Agreement of 50 (ii - i) (i) Joshua Wheeler of Hitchin, Herts., gent. (ii) Isaac ...
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Date Free Text: 27 Aug 1794
Production date: From: 1794 To: 1818 - 9Reference: L10/42
Title: Assignment of Term (1000 yrs.) Agreement and 10s. (i) Jn. Negus of Millbrook, yeo. (ii) Jos. Sharp...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 25 March 1817
Production date: From: 1817 To: 1817 - 10Reference: Z1118/1/1/1
Title: Abstract of Title of William Bennett to premises in Leighton Buzzard in mortgage to Misses Willis [m...
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Date Free Text: 1827
Production date: From: 1669 To: 1827