- 1Reference: B/79
Title: Mortgage i) Jn. Baldery, Bidwell, H.R., junr., weaver ii) Jos. Jenkins, Dunstable, yeo. MORTGAGE ...
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Date Free Text: 7 Apr 1714
Production date: From: 1714 To: 1714 - 2Reference: B/82-83
Title: Conveyance ia) Wm. Ancell, Bucks., gent and w. Mary, late the widow of Thos. Prentice late of Tils...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 21-22 May 1730
Production date: From: 1730 To: 1730 - 3Reference: B/85
Title: Assignment i) Lee Farr, Dunstable, tailor, sole exor. and residuary legatte in will of Martha Jenk...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Jul 1730
Production date: From: 1730 To: 1730 - 4Reference: Z210/5
Title: Release in fee i) William Cumberland, Hockliffe, Chalgrave, baker ii) John Hooper, Dunstable, gent...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 June 1790
Production date: From: 1790 To: 1790 - 5Reference: X904/1
Title: Roxton Millenium Photograph Album; all photographs in colour and include the following [group photog...
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Date Free Text: 2000
Production date: From: 2000 To: 2000 - 6Reference: Z699/194
Title: Ann May to Priscilla Strange 21 May 1842 Tottenham 7th Day 21st/42 My dearest P. I was very ...
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Date Free Text: 21 May 1842
Production date: From: 1842 To: 1842 - 7Reference: Z699/200
Title: Ann May to Harriet May 2 Dec 1843 Ampthill 12 mo 2.43 My dear Harriet Thy kind letter was so...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2 Dec 1843
Production date: From: 1843 To: 1843 - 8Reference: X796/1
Title: Feoffment i) John Rydall alias Weaver, Hornchurch, Essex, weaver, and wife Elizabeth ii) John Style...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 Aug 1593
Production date: From: 1593 To: 1593 - 9Reference: X796/2
Title: Deed poll Oliver Styles, Eyton, Beds., gentleman gives, concedes and enfeoffs to Thomas Gamble, Pul...
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Date Free Text: 26 Jul 1597
Production date: From: 1597 To: 1597 - 10Reference: PM2600
Title: Recipe Book of Elizabeth Jenkyn nee King
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Date Free Text: 1711 - 1720s
Production date: From: 1711 To: 1729