- 1Reference: Z959/1/1/1
Title: Abstract of Title of Devisees of Benjamin Jefferies to Allotment of 1a 1r 19p in Town's End Leys, Gr...
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Date Free Text: 1828
Production date: From: 1727 To: 1828 - 2Reference: MN1/1
Title: Conveyance (feoffment) - 17-10s.-0d. 1. Richard Burr of Eaton Bray, yeoman 2. Christopher Wells of...
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Date Free Text: 21 Jan 1740
Production date: From: 1740 To: 1740 - 3Reference: P1/25/39
Title: Leith's Charity. Conveyance; for £279 Eliz. Bulmer of Great Barford, widow, to Walt. Hancocke, yeom...
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Date Free Text: 2 July 1700
Production date: From: 1700 To: 1700 - 4Reference: HG12/8/2
Title: To Henry Hugh Higgins from William. B. Carpenter, 56 Regents Park Rd., London
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Date Free Text: 13 Feb 1883
Production date: From: 1883 To: 1883 - 5Reference: HG12/8/14
Title: To Henry Hugh Higgins, from Prof. Huxley
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Date Free Text: 3 Mar 1878
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Title: To Henry Hugh Higgins, from Prof. Huxley
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Date Free Text: n.d. - 7Reference: X955/1/128
Title: To Mrs Sarah Colenutt
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Date Free Text: 13th April 1901
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Title: The London Journal CXL List of Members of Parliament elected Bedford: William Farrer & Huxley
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Date Free Text: 31 March 1722
Production date: From: 1722 To: 1722 - 9Reference: BS947-948
Title: Covenant to suffer a recovery (Lease and Release): (i) Rebecca Browning of Newington Green, widow; ...
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Date Free Text: 30 Apr,1 May 1729
Production date: From: 1729 To: 1729 - 10Reference: BS949-950
Title: Mortgage (Lease and Release), £1500: (i) John Browning of Lincolns Inn, esquire (ii) Thomas Gordon...
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Date Free Text: 4,5 July 1729
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