- 1Reference: X431/5
Title: Printed letter to the Parishioners of Steppingley Concerning the Day School, the Sunday School, the...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 31 December 1870
Production date: From: 1870 To: 1870 - 2Reference: Fasti/1/Stepp
Title: STEPPINGLEY (St.Lawrence) Rectors - William - c.1175; - Richard - 1231 [capellanus; patron Pr...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1175-1996
Production date: From: 1175 To: 1996 - 3Reference: AU48/2/3/2
Title: Photocopy of annual report to the parishioners of Steppingley by H Warwick Hunt giving a statement ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 31 December 1870, copy 1970s
Production date: From: 1870 To: 1870