- 1Reference: AO/C1/31
Title: Smallholdings correspondence file:
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jan 1935 - Jun 1946
Production date: From: 1935 To: 1946 - 2Reference: AO/C2/1
Title: Smallholdings correspondence file.Includes correspondence,re: - loans and rents for smallholdings ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Aug 1908 - Sep 1924
Production date: From: 1908 To: 1924 - 3Reference: AQ4/9/1/4C
Title: First Report from the Committee of Public Accounts ordered by the House of Commons to be printed
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 21 July 1942
Production date: From: 1942 To: 1942 - 4Reference: CT/V/1
Title: House of Commons printed return of sums received for County Rates and application thereof (England a...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1821-1832
Production date: From: 1821 To: 1832 - 5Reference: Z150/1/8
Title: Wingate, (Captain). The true copie of a letter written by Captaine Wingate, now Prisoner in Ludlow, ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 Oct 1642
Production date: From: 1642 To: 1642 - 6Reference: Z150/1/10
Title: Dell, William. Right Reformation: or the Reformation of the CHURCH of the NEW TESTAMENT, represented...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1646
Production date: From: 1646 To: 1646 - 7Reference: Z150/1/14
Title: Grimston, Sir Harbottle. The Speech of Sir Harbottle Grimston Baronet: Speaker of the Honorable Hous...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1660
Production date: From: 1660 To: 1660 - 8Reference: FAC133/2
Title: 'An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, For the maintenance and pay of the G...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 September 1645
Production date: From: 1645 To: 1645 - 9Reference: Co/Fin1
Title: 19thC. Records regarding fees, allowances, disbursements and salaries
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1837 - 1898
Production date: From: 1837 To: 1898 - 10Reference: W1/1984
Title: Elections, Warwick: extracts from Commons Journal re Warwick election petitions, by which members we...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Various: 1620, 1720, 1731
Production date: From: 1620 To: 1731