- 1Reference: Fasti/1/Dunt
Title: DUNTON (St.Mary Magdalene) - Helyas - 1220 [capellanus, Patron Priory & Convent of St John The Ba...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1220-1996
Production date: From: 1220 To: 1996 - 2Reference: LHE17
Title: 2 pieces of land near Marsletts Piece & 1 in Breach Meadow, Luton , by exchange.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 14 & 15 Aug 1833
Production date: From: 1833 To: 1833 - 3Reference: WG7/10
Title: Resolution made at the meeting on 19 October 1795. Application to be made for the Pertenhall Inclos...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: No date, c19 Oct 1795
Production date: From: 1795 To: 1795 - 4Reference: WG7/13
Title: William Day to Edward Hare. He has recommended to the proprietors to name Edward Hare, Mr Welstead ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: No date, c Nov 1795
Production date: From: 1795 To: 1795 - 5Reference: WG7/16
Title: William Day to the Rev John Horseman. The notice of application for the Inclosure Act has been post...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Aug 1795
Production date: From: 1795 To: 1795 - 6Reference: WG7/17
Title: Day to Horseman. The notice of application has been put up three times on the church door. Many pr...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 Sep 1795
Production date: From: 1795 To: 1795 - 7Reference: WG7/18
Title: Day to Horseman. The Inclosure meeting on 19 October decided nothing on account of some disputes wh...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 Nov 1795
Production date: From: 1795 To: 1795 - 8Reference: WG7/19
Title: Day to Horseman. Will meet him in London on 2 February. The draft of the Bill is sent to Mr Goodha...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: No date, probably Jan 1796
Production date: From: 1796 To: 1796 - 9Reference: WG7/20
Title: Rev John Horseman to William Day. Cannot meet Day until today 5th owing to unforeseen business. [L...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 16 Jan 1796
Production date: From: 1796 To: 1796 - 10Reference: WG7/21
Title: Day to Horseman. Is acquainted with the cases of intermixed lands; about five acres of land. Which...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22 Jan 1796
Production date: From: 1796 To: 1796