- 1Reference: X174/65
Title: Indenture: 3½ years. Premium £15. (1) Matilda Samuel, d. of (3) (2) Trustees. (3) Wm. Samuel of L...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 28 Feb 1862
Production date: From: 1862 To: 1862 - 2Reference: BO1282
Title: Probate of will of Thomas Samuel, Leighton Buzzard, Bedford, dealer Trustees: son-in-law William Fi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1866-1869
Production date: From: 1866 To: 1869 - 3Reference: X174/17/4/3
Title: APPRENTICESHIP BOOK. Contains lists of Apprenticeships in column form under these headings - When a...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1861
Production date: From: 1861 To: 1861