- 1Reference: X802/1
Title: Deed of indemnity i) John Shaw Leigh, Luton Hoo, Esq ii) Charles Thomas Warde, Clopton House, Warwic...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 17 Dec 1855
Production date: From: 1855 To: 1855 - 2Reference: L20/229
Title: Correspondence: Letter to Earl de Grey from John Hoggard, Clifton is a tenant on your lordship's...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 Apr 1844
Production date: From: 1844 To: 1844 - 3Reference: L20/230
Title: Correspondence: Letter to Earl de Grey from John Hoggard enclosing memorial from his neighbours,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 Apr 1844
Production date: From: 1844 To: 1844 - 4Reference: L20/232
Title: Copy letter from Earl de Grey to Mr. Hoggard, from Dublin.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 23 Apr 1844
Production date: From: 1844 To: 1844 - 5Reference: L20/233
Title: Correspondence: Letter to Earl de Grey from John Hoggard. Tenants will acquiese in any views hel...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 27 Apr 1844
Production date: From: 1844 To: 1844 - 6Reference: Z41/LB10/4/38
Title: Vol. 7 No.3 Includes the following: -Front cover photograph of Stewartby Works. -Chairman's Annua...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: May/Jun 1977
Production date: From: 1977 To: 1977 - 7Reference: BorBF4/78/119
Title: Midsummer session. Memorandum of conviction: William Hoggard as a rogue and vagabond
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 July 1833
Production date: From: 1833 To: 1833 - 8Reference: BorBF4/78/243
Title: Michaelmas Sessions. Financial business: bill for maintenance of prisoners in the House of Correct...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 14 October 1833
Production date: From: 1833 To: 1833 - 9Reference: P85/28/1/2
Title: Sale plan of the Luton Hoo Estate "for sale by Messrs. Hoggart and Norton" and printed by C.M. Frith...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d. c.1844-8
Production date: From: 1844 To: 1848 - 10Reference: X290/84
Title: Sale plan: Late property of William Pedley, deceased; over 200 acres; for sale by Mr Hoggart. Grea...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1827
Production date: From: 1827 To: 1827