- 1Reference: HSA1671/W/7
Title: Recognisance: William Hoockett, John Beaumont, Marston labourer £20. Pl.: Abr. Dix, same, blacksmi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1671
Production date: From: 1671 To: 1671 - 2Reference: HSA1671/W/9
Title: Recognisance: Sam Reeves, John Hockett, Marston, labourer, £20 Pl.: Abr. Dix, same, blacksmith Cha...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1671
Production date: From: 1671 To: 1671 - 3Reference: HSA1671/W/61
Title: Criminal Presentment: Sam K..., Marston labourer, Thomas Hull, William Hockett, John Hockett, John ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1671
Production date: From: 1671 To: 1671 - 4Reference: HSA1671/W/99
Title: Depositions: Thomas Basterfeild, Marston. Alehousekeeper. 18 January. 1671, and wife Dinah. The 6 ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1671
Production date: From: 1671 To: 1671 - 5Reference: AD3182
Title: Mortgage: For £10. (i) Elizabeth Dickenson of Thurliegh (widow of John Dickenson of Bedford, husban...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 Dec 1749
Production date: From: 1749 To: 1749 - 6Reference: X109/1/3
Title: Folio 3. An Account of the indentures of apprentice bound out by the Bedford Charity.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Sept 1763 - April 1764
Production date: From: 1763 To: 1764 - 7Reference: PM212-213
Title: Assignment of mortgage: £100 (£102..10s on 9 February). With bond. i) John Fisher ii) Sarah Beaum...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Aug 1705
Production date: From: 1705 To: 1705 - 8Reference: BC575
Title: Copy of lease for a year (release missing)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 Nov 1742; 11 Jan 1768
Production date: From: 1742 To: 1768 - 9Reference: X520/14
Title: Conveyance (Bargain and Sale enrolled): for £19,000
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 16 Jan 1664/5
Production date: From: 1664 To: 1665 - 10Reference: SA18-19
Title: Grant with covenant to levy a fine and to suffer a recovery. £19,000 ii) to i) [see also Haynes Par...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15, 16 Jan 1667
Production date: From: 1667 To: 1667