- 1Reference: WL477
Title: Mortgage: 40. John Barringer to Dan. Hipwell sr. of Pavenham,matmaker. -- a messuage now used as a...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 November 1784
Production date: From: 1784 To: 1784 - 2Reference: WL478-479
Title: Conveyance (lease & release): £80.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22-23 December 1786
Production date: From: 1786 To: 1786 - 3Reference: WL497
Title: Abstract of the title of Dan. Hipwell to a cottage at Radwell.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1778-1801
Production date: From: 1778 To: 1801 - 4Reference: WL578-579
Title: Conveyance (lease & release) : 80. (i) Dan. Hipwell of Pavenham, matmaker, bro. & dev. of Thos. (i...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7-8 December 1804
Production date: From: 1804 To: 1804 - 5Reference: WL619
Title: Abstract of the title of Dan. Hipwell & Wm. Halfhead (assignees of the estate of Wm. Pool of Steving...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1766-1832
Production date: From: 1766 To: 1832 - 6Reference: BD878
Title: Mortgage. £160. (i) Chas. Farnell of Bedford. (ii) Dan. Hipwell of Pavenham, matmaker. - - - Lat...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Nov. 1794
Production date: From: 1794 To: 1794 - 7Reference: BD883-884
Title: Assignment (Lease and Release). £115. (i) Ben. Trapp, Jn. Moore Howard, Thos. Sheppard. (ii) Dan...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 17, 18 May 1805
Production date: From: 1805 To: 1805 - 8Reference: X106/196
Title: Rushden. Letter from Burnham & Henry of Wellingborough to Wm Hipwell, Hillside House, Sharnbrook. Re...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 Nov 1884
Production date: From: 1884 To: 1884 - 9Reference: X106/200
Title: Partnership Agreement Articles of Agreement (Copy) re Partnership i) Daniel Hipwell of Stoke Mill ...
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Date Free Text: 17 Jan 1839
Production date: From: 1839 To: 1839 - 10Reference: X106/201
Title: Agreement between Daniel Hipwell, Senior and Thomas Hipwell (son) All the profits derivable from D...
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Date Free Text: 18 Apr 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1858