- 1Reference: X815/11/8
Title: Transfer of mortgage i) John Webdale, Napier Road, Luton, warehouseman ii) Peregrine Nash, 15, P...
Level of description: item
Production date: From: 1888 To: 1900 - 2Reference: X815/11/9
Title: Conveyance i) Peregrine Nash, 15, Peel Street, Luton, straw hat manufacturer ii) William Webb, L...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 Apr 1895
Production date: From: 1895 To: 1900 - 3Reference: WG166
Title: Settlement on the marriage of Richard, eldest son of Thomas Harper of Wyboston, yeoman, and Ann, one...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1681/82
Production date: From: 1681 To: 1682 - 4Reference: WG169-170
Title: Conveyance (lease and release): John Allison junior, of Eaton Socon, baker, and wife Elizabeth, to ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1713
Production date: From: 1713 To: 1713 - 5Reference: WG171
Title: Final concord: Ann Harper and William Underwood (plaintiffs) v John Allison junior and wife Elizabe...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1713
Production date: From: 1713 To: 1713 - 6Reference: WG172
Title: Release or quit-claim: John Allison junior of Eaton Socon, baker, and wife Elizabeth, to Ann Harper...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1713
Production date: From: 1713 To: 1713 - 7Reference: WG173
Title: Will of Ann Harper of Southoe, widow [copy]. Devises her property in Eaton Socon [no details] to s...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1727
Production date: From: 1727 To: 1727 - 8Reference: WG174
Title: Mortgage for £100 [copy]: Thomas Harper of Southoe (son of Richard and Ann) to Ann Bainton of St N...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1729
Production date: From: 1729 To: 1729 - 9Reference: WG175
Title: Final concord levied in accordance with WG 174 [copy]: Thomas Harper of Southoe (son of Richard an...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1729
Production date: From: 1729 To: 1729 - 10Reference: WG176-177
Title: Conveyance (lease and release) [copy]: Thomas Harper of Southoe (son of Richard and Ann) to Ann Ba...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1733
Production date: From: 1733 To: 1733