- 1Reference: X585/1
Title: Will of Mrs Frances Ashton of London, wid., marked 'Eleventh Probate' Her body to be buried in Duns...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1727 - 1780
Production date: From: 1727 To: 1780 - 2Reference: J148
Title: Award by Arthur Piggott, Lincoln's Inn, Esq, in settlement between John Peter Hankey and the executo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 April 1805
Production date: From: 1805 To: 1805 - 3Reference: L30/11/127
Title: Correspondence from Robert Hankey, Putney.
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1808
Production date: From: 1808 To: 1808 - 4Reference: L30/11/127/1-3
Title: Appeal against poor rate; hopes for approbation; sharing of cost; letter of appeal.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Jan, 1 Feb, 1 Mar 1808
Production date: From: 1808 To: 1808