- 1Reference: HSA1680/W/22
Title: CALENDAR OF PRISONERS IN GAOL (2 copies, not quite the same) Thomas Morgain repreved for Transportac...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1679-1680
Production date: From: 1679 To: 1680 - 2Reference: HSA1680/W/23
Title: Calendar of Prisoners in the Gaol: 1680.Thomas Morgan being repreived lyes for Transportacon Thomas ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1679 - 1680
Production date: From: 1679 To: 1680 - 3Reference: HSA1680/W/43
Title: Recognisance: Edmund Cawne, Bedford, grocer. £20. --- Geo. Maddy his apprentice to pros. Valentine...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 4Reference: HSA1680/W/45
Title: Recognisance: William Frisby, Bedford, innholder. £100.--- to pros. as HSA/1680 W/43. Also Jn. Mees...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 5Reference: HSA1680/W/46
Title: Recognisance: Mary Smithees, Bedford, spinster. £20. --- with son Matthew to give evidence as HSA/...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 6Reference: HSA1680/W/47
Title: Recognisance: James Coleborne, Bedford, pewterer. £20. --- evidence as HSA/1680 W/43 Valentine Hol...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 7Reference: HSA1680/W/48
Title: Recognisance: Edward Sanders, Bedford, 'mettleman'. £20. --- evidence as HSA/1680 W/43 Valentine H...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 8Reference: HSA1680/W/49
Title: Recognisance: Anthony Harding, Bedford, maltster. £20. -- evidence as HSA/1680 W/43 Valentine Holl...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 9Reference: HSA1680/W/50
Title: Recognisance: Edward Shepheard, Bedford, cooper. £20. --- evidence as HSA/1680 W/43 Valentine Holl...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 10Reference: HSA1680/W/101
Title: Deposition: Thomas Brancklyn, servant to Ric. Robinson, mason. More evidence of false money, Wm. Rob...tocke of a man who lives at St. Neotes on Saturday last for drinke they had at her house, But the na...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1679
Production date: From: 1679 To: 1680