- 1Reference: P30/5/4/63
Title: Chas Hailey candles total 2s.11d
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1824-1825
Production date: From: 1824 To: 1825 - 2Reference: WB/M/4/1/VP1
Title: Appointment, Release and Assignment and Covenant to Surrender by way of Mortgage Parties: (i) Ed...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 28 Dec 1831
Production date: From: 1829 To: 1831 - 3Reference: P30/5/4/115
Title: Charles Hailey: brooms and brushes total 19s.1d.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1825-1826
Production date: From: 1825 To: 1826 - 4Reference: P30/5/4/117
Title: Charles Hailey: brooms, brushes, mops total £1.1s.8d.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1826-7
Production date: From: 1826 To: 1827 - 5Reference: P30/5/4/231
Title: Charles Hailey candles, mops, brooms, etc total 13s.4d.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1828-9
Production date: From: 1828 To: 1829 - 6Reference: SF200/1
Title: Appointment of new trustees (draft)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 Jul 1844
Production date: From: 1844 To: 1844 - 7Reference: CC181-182
Title: Copy of fine and counterpart, £200. Plaintiff: Charles Hailey. Defendants: Ezra Eagles and wife ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1809
Production date: From: 1809 To: 1809 - 8Reference: CC183-184
Title: Covenant to levy a fine (lease & release): (i) Ezra Eagles of Ampthill, gentleman, and wife Sarah (...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1809
Production date: From: 1809 To: 1809 - 9Reference: SFM1/13
Title: Release (copy)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1814
Production date: From: 1814 To: 1814 - 10Reference: ABA2/2/1/1
Title: Ampthill Sequestration bond. Appointment of Henry Spring and Charles Hailey as Sequestrators followi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Jan 1820
Production date: From: 1820 To: 1820