- 1Reference: Z699/88
Title: Rachel May to Priscilla May 21 May 1832 Painswick. 5th mo 21st 1832 I will not my dear cousin...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 21 May 1832
Production date: From: 1832 To: 1832 - 2Reference: FR2/7/5/184
Title: Certificates issued by Lewes & Chichester MM (held at Brighton) Under signatures of Chas Tylar, Wm...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Mar-Jun 1855
Production date: From: 1855 To: 1855 - 3Reference: FR2/7/5/190
Title: Certificates issued by Lewes & Chichester MM held at Lewes Under signatures of Hollis Clayton, Fra...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 Jul 1857
Production date: From: 1857 To: 1857 - 4Reference: Z1118/1/22/2
Title: Copy marriage certificate of Samuel Reeve of Leighton Buzzard, grocer (son of Benjamin Reeve, grocer...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 17 Jun 1813
Production date: From: 1813 To: 1845