- 1Reference: GK290/5
Title: Abstract of Sam Wilson's title to freehold lands at Lower Stondon in Shitlington and at Upper Ston...
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Date Free Text: 1842
Production date: From: 1771 To: 1842 - 2Reference: L13/25
Title: Conveyance (feoffment): 59. (i) Wm. Greene of Ampthill, innholder, & w. Eliz. (ii) John Whitbrea...
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Date Free Text: 21 Aug 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 3Reference: L13/26
Title: Final Concord: 60. plt. John Whittbread and John Grey deft. Wm. Greene & w. Eliz.; John Knott & ...
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Date Free Text: 12 Nov 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680 - 4Reference: X916/4/2
Title: Mortgage Parties: (i) George Goodship of Beadlow, Clophill, Beds, yeoman. (ii) Thomas Horn of C...
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Date Free Text: 16 Jan 1804
Production date: From: 1804 To: 1804 - 5Reference: WB/M/4/1/VP2
Title: Mortgage of property of Morris brewery
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Date Free Text: 16 Jun 1882
Production date: From: 1831 To: 1882 - 6Reference: AD3112
Title: Will (extract) of Elizabeth Gullifer of Biggleswade, widow
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Date Free Text: 22 October 1843 (proved 28 May, 1852)
Production date: From: 1843 To: 1852 - 7Reference: AD3113
Title: Will (copy) of Edward Greene Esq., of Coleshill St., Eaton Sqaure, Middlesex. Executrix: wife Eliza...
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Date Free Text: 19 Nov 1847
Production date: From: 1843 To: 1852 - 8Reference: HF18/7/1/1
Title: Abstract of title relating to allotment of land, Maulden
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Date Free Text: 1706-1829
Production date: From: 1706 To: 1829 - 9Reference: HF18/12/1/1
Title: Parker property, Steppingley. "Supplemental Abstract of Title to freehold hereditaments comprised in...
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