- 1Reference: Z160/964
Title: Photograph of Bedford Rural District Council taken in front of the South Wing of the Blore Facade of...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1937
Production date: From: 1937 To: 1937 - 2Reference: X815/10/8
Title: Conveyance i) Read and Horn Ltd, Market Hill, Luton ii) Francis Goodyear, 66, Richmond Hill, Lut...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 24 Jul 1944
Production date: From: 1944 To: 1944 - 3Reference: FN868
Title: Assignment, £1340: (i) Sir John Francklin of Lincoln's Inn, knight, Roger Gillingham of Middle Temp...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 Jun 1677
Production date: From: 1677 To: 1677 - 4Reference: BMS/P1856
Title: Photograph of Shakespeare House, Bedford Modern School.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1972
Production date: From: 1972 To: 1972 - 5Reference: X163
Title: Deposit by Mr & Mrs R W Gray of Little Staughton
Level of description: fonds
Date Free Text: 1651-1852
Production date: From: 1651 To: 1852