- 1Reference: ABP/R6/126
Title: Folio 104d Robert Gostwike, chaplain, made 15 July, no year, and proved 28 Dec. 1541. "In primis d...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1541
Production date: From: 1541 To: 1541 - 2Reference: R6/5/19/3
Title: Final concord - Gostwick and Bedingfield
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2 July 1539
Production date: From: 1539 To: 1539 - 3Reference: R6/5/19/4
Title: Grant of letters patent
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2 July 1539
Production date: From: 1539 To: 1539 - 4Reference: R8/62/1/9(Roll65)
Title: Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of John Gostwick, and his wife Joan [membran...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2 Oct, 29 Henry VIII [1537]
Production date: From: 1537 To: 1537 - 5Reference: R8/62/1/9(Roll66)
Title: Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of John Gostwick, and his wife, Joan [membra...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Oct, 30 Henry VIII [1538]
Production date: From: 1538 To: 1538 - 6Reference: R8/62/1/9(Roll67)
Title: Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of John Gostwick, and his wife Joan [on dors...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 27 Oct, 31 Henry VII [1539]
Production date: From: 1539 To: 1539 - 7Reference: TW238
Title: “A Coppy of Sir William Gostwicks Patent of the Rectory of Biddenham and 5 acres in Kings meade inte...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 Mar 1540
Production date: From: 1540 To: 1540 - 8Reference: TW239
Title: Letters Patent. Licence to John Gostwyk and wife Joan to alienate to William Butler, merchant of the...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 31 Henry VIII 26 Mar 1540
Production date: From: 1540 To: 1540 - 9Reference: TW240/1-2
Title: Two indentures of Fine William Butler, merchant of the Staple of Calais and wife Ann, plaintiffs J...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: fortnight before Easter 31 Henry VIII
Production date: From: 1540 To: 1540 - 10Reference: WW243
Title: Conveyance (Deed of Bargain and Sale enrolled): John Gostwyke, esquire (Treasurer to the King), to ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1540
Production date: From: 1537 To: 1540