- 1Reference: X26/1
Title: Grant by Letters Patent of the reversion
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 July 5 Eliz. (1563)
Production date: From: 1537 To: 1563 - 2Reference: X28/1
Title: Assignment of Crown Lease: Wm. Gostwike of Willington, esq., & Ann his wife, to Thos. Leigh of Londo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1546
Production date: From: 1546 To: 1546 - 3Reference: WG539
Title: Conveyance (feoffment): Sir Edward Gostwicke of Willington, knight and baronet, to Simon Pickcocke o...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1617
Production date: From: 1617 To: 1617