- 1Reference: BD1373
Title: Pass Book : of Lucy Fisher at London & County Banking Co. Sept. 1872 - July 1878
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1799 - 1966
Production date: From: 1872 To: 1878 - 2Reference: BD1374
Title: Pass Book : of exors. of Lucy Fisher.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: July 1878 - Feb. 1888
Production date: From: 1878 To: 1888 - 3Reference: BD1375/1-4
Title: Accounts : of exors., & Wing & Ducane.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1878 - 9
Production date: From: 1878 To: 1879 - 4Reference: BD1376/1-80
Title: Letters relating to exorship, mainly from Wing & Ducane, and Jas. Fisher. 1878 -1885
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1878 - 9
Production date: From: 1878 To: 1879 - 5Reference: BD1377/1-11
Title: Bundle of miscellaneous receipts etc.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1878
Production date: From: 1878 To: 1878 - 6Reference: BD1388
Title: Probate of will of Thos. Fisher of Cambridge, banker. - To son Thos. Hall Fisher, freehold mess. in...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1828 - 1839
Production date: From: 1828 To: 1839