- 1Reference: P100/6/7
Title: Grant. Ralph Morys of Bedford, to Ingram Paas, William Fyssher, John Savage & John Wolhed. A messua...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 Oct 1469
Production date: From: 1469 To: 1469 - 2Reference: TW347
Title: i) William Aleyn, smith, otherwise called William Smith of Bedford, smith, John Aleyn, smith, otherw...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1479
Production date: From: 1479 To: 1479 - 3Reference: TW350
Title: Demise i) John Poley junior ii) John Grubbe and Henry Walker, executors of Elizabeth Aleyn alias B...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 May 1487
Production date: From: 1487 To: 1487 - 4Reference: TW376
Title: Grant i) Ingellus Pase, William Pase ii) Thomas Pase and wife Christine, John Savage, William Ware...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 16 Aug 1472
Production date: From: 1472 To: 1472