- 1Reference: Z41/LB10/4/21
Title: Vol.4 No.3 Includes the following: -Second report from the company trip to North America in 1973 ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jul/Aug 1974
Production date: From: 1974 To: 1974 - 2Reference: QSR1743/52
Title: Judicial Business: Recognizances Henry Brawn, Holme, Biggleswade, yeoman; assaulting Edward Dickens
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1743
Production date: From: 1743 To: 1743 - 3Reference: ABM1797/45a
Title: Allegation: Thomas Hull of Risely to marry Martha Dickens of Burton, Northants, a minor with the con...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 July 1797
Production date: From: 1797 To: 1797 - 4Reference: ABM1797/45b
Title: Bond: Thomas Hull of Risely and William Cambers of Bedford, both bakers, for £100. Thomas Hull to ma...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 July 1797
Production date: From: 1797 To: 1797