- 1Reference: X948/2/DUN/2/4
Title: Copy will of Mary Bates of Dunstable, widow
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 July 1906
Production date: From: 1906 To: 1906 - 2Reference: X948/2/DUN/2/5
Title: Agreement between executors of Charles Lockhart and Mrs Hannah Emma Derbyshire re drain
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 14 January 1914
Production date: From: 1914 To: 1914 - 3Reference: X948/2/DUN/2/6
Title: Abstract of title of W Mitchell to freehold shop and premises at 2 Church Street, Dunstable (previou...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1922
Production date: From: 1874 To: 1922