- 1Reference: Z1063/2/13
Title: Letter of Administration. John Michael Darlow of Corr House, Glebe Road, Bedford, Flight Lieutenant ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2 October 1946
Production date: From: 1945 To: 1946 - 2Reference: Z1063/5/16
Title: Part of a letter from George Stephen Darlow to Aunt B. Comments that 'poor John has gone down with a...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d[c1939]
Production date: From: 1939 To: 1939 - 3Reference: Z1063/5/86
Title: Letter from George Stephen Dawson, Culver Battery, Sandown, Isle of Wight, to his Aunt Peggy [Alice ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 August 1945
Production date: From: 1945 To: 1945 - 4Reference: Z1063/5/87
Title: Letter from George Stephen Darlow, Culver Battery, Sandown, Isle Of Wight, to his aunt Emily Beatric...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 26 August 1945
Production date: From: 1945 To: 1945 - 5Reference: Z1063/7/4
Title: Childhood Portraits of Henry Mark Darlow, George Stephen Darlow and John Michael Darlow
Level of description: series
Date Free Text: 1922 - 1928
Production date: From: 1922 To: 1928 - 6Reference: Z1063/6/2/3
Title: Letter from Buckingham Palace addressed to H Darlow, expressing sympathy on 'your great sorrow', and...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1945
Production date: From: 1945 To: 1945 - 7Reference: Z1063/7/8/18
Title: Photograph of the Darlow family on the beach, Henry Darlow with his children lined up eldest back to...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d.[c.1938]
Production date: From: 1938 To: 1938 - 8Reference: Z1063/7/8/14
Title: Elizabeth Rosemary Darlow with her brothers Henry Mark, John Michael and George Stephen.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d.[c.1937]
Production date: From: 1937 To: 1937 - 9Reference: Z1063/7/8/5
Title: Henry Darlow on the beach with his daughter Elizabeth Rosemary, sons Henry Mark, George Stephen and...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d.[c.1931]
Production date: From: 1931 To: 1931 - 10Reference: Z41/Lb10/4/65
Title: Vol.11 No.6 Includes the following: -London Brick Landfill Limited [pg12]; -London Brick Company ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Nov/Dec 1981
Production date: From: 1981 To: 1981