- 1Reference: PBwP/W1714/3b
Title: Mary Crofts of Stratton, dairywoman; 4 Oct 1706
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2 Nov 1714
Production date: From: 1706 To: 1714 - 2Reference: X16/22
Title: Conveyance by release
Level of description:
Date Free Text: 11 Nov 1720
Production date: From: 1720 To: 1720 - 3Reference: ABCP97/1-22
Title: Incest: office v. John Draper, vicar; promoted by Thomas Gurney, farmer, Stevington; Draper, who was...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c. 1707
Production date: From: 1707 To: 1707 - 4Reference: X222/18
Title: Final Concord: £41 plaintiffs: Andrew Mickley, Richard Cullick defendants: Samuel Crofts and M...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Trinity Term 1616
Production date: From: 1616 To: 1616