- 1Reference: TW528
Title: Grant for 3s gersuma i) William Coreye of Bedef’ ii) Nicholas the son of Roger de Stacheden
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: no date c.1250/60
Production date: From: 1250 To: 1260 - 2Reference: W2878-W2879
Title: Conveyance (lease & release): £27 Elizabeth Baskerville of Bedford, spinster Thomas Wilson of Fenl...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5, 6 Jan 1731/2
Production date: From: 1731 To: 1732 - 3Reference: W2945
Title: Conveyance (feoffment): £21
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22 Jun 1787
Production date: From: 1787 To: 1787