- 1Reference: PL/P/MB77/904
Title: SHEFFORD, Ampthill Road proposed house for G Cobb (Arthur Hunt, Bedford)
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1977
Production date: From: 1977 To: 1977 - 2Reference: GA395
Title: Marriage Settlement (Lease and Release):
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30, 31 Dec 1698
Production date: From: 1698 To: 1698 - 3Reference: GA398
Title: Deed to lead the uses of a fine:
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 28 Nov 1699
Production date: From: 1699 To: 1699 - 4Reference: GA1148/3
Title: Receipt of Mr G. Cobb to Mr Garrard for 11/6d 'to new deal box for Carlton In Closhe.'
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 12 Jan 1806
Production date: From: 1806 To: 1806