- 1Reference: X109/1/17
Title: Folio 17. An Account of the indentures of apprentice bound out by the Bedford Charity.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: May - July 1771
Production date: From: 1771 To: 1771 - 2Reference: WE2120
Title: Extract from register of St Paul, Bedford’s parish register Baptism of Fanny, daughter of William C...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 Apr 1757 extract made 30 Apr 1830
Production date: From: 1757 To: 1830 - 3Reference: HT8/6/page128
Title: Application for Apprentice Fee: Name of Applicant; Susannah Clare
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Date of Application: June 12 1845
Production date: From: 1845 To: 1845