- 1Reference: QSR1840/4/3/3
Title: Return of persons committed, bailed to appear for trial, or indicted at the Quarter Sessions to be h...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 2Reference: QSR1840/4/3/4
Title: List of convictions at Michaelmas Quarter Sessions
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 3Reference: QSR1840/4/4/29
Title: Recognizances - Robert Cannell of Melchbourne charged with stealing 4 quart glass bottles value 8d
Level of description: sub-file
Date Free Text: 13 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 4Reference: QSR1840/4/4/29/a
Title: Rt Honorable Saint Andrew Beauchamp, Lord St John of Melchbourn House - £20 - to prosecute Robert C...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 5Reference: QSR1840/4/4/29/b
Title: Rt Honorable Saint Andrew Beauchamp, Lord St John of Melchbourne House on behalf of John Moore his b...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 6Reference: QSR1840/4/6/29
Title: Jurors presentment - Robert Cannell of Melchbourne, labourer - for stealing 4 glass bottles value 8...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 7Reference: QSR1840/4/5/29
Title: Deposition and examination - Robert Cannell of Melchbourne, labourer
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 8Reference: P30/2/96/109
Title: Diocese of Saint Albans application for authorisation to introduce a monument into a churchyard: Chr...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 March 2013
Production date: From: 2013-03 To: 2013-03