- 1Reference: W200
Title: Covenant to execute a mortgage : 1080. (i) Lady Dorothie Wharton w. of Phillipp Ld. Wharton. (ii...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 17 Mar 1611
Production date: From: 1608 To: 1611 - 2Reference: WL272-273
Title: Conveyance (lease & release): £22. Chas. Perry of Woburn, lab. to Ric. Bush of Wavendon, blacksmith....
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 23-24 October 1700
Production date: From: 1700 To: 1700 - 3Reference: WL274-275
Title: Conveyance (lease & release):£16. (i) Luke Bush of Wavendon, baker. Ric. Bush. (ii) John Higgs of Wa...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 31 August, 1 Sept 1753
Production date: From: 1753 To: 1753 - 4Reference: PR292
Title: Abstract of Title of John Loke to freehold hereditaments in Leighton Buzzard, abstracted by F.Willis...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1861
Production date: From: 1819 To: 1861 - 5Reference: AD698
Title: Release of error Thomas Busheby from William Yonge
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1572
Production date: From: 1572 To: 1572 - 6Reference: AD700
Title: Bargain and sale from George Fisshe of Southill and William Godfrey to Thomas Busshby of London of c...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1574
Production date: From: 1574 To: 1574 - 7Reference: X496/7
Title: Abstract of title of Jas. Adkins, jnr., husbandman to Postern Cross Close in Cranfield.Reciting: feo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 April 1757
Production date: From: 1757 To: 1757 - 8Reference: X496/8&9
Title: Lease and Release. i) Jas. Adkins, snr., Cranfield, yeom., and w. Ann Jas. Adkins, jnr., Cranfield, ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 23/24 June 1757
Production date: From: 1757 To: 1757 - 9Reference: PCHeath&Reach12/3
Title: Conveyance of land a small part of which would later form part of the cemetery Parties: (i) Mary...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 Sep 1883
Production date: From: 1883 To: 1883 - 10Reference: PCHeath&Reach12/5
Title: Conveyance of land for the purposes of a burial ground Parties: (i) John Lough Bushell of Craddo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 6 Mar 1911
Production date: From: 1911 To: 1911