- 1Reference: ST191
Title: RELEASE and QUITCLAIM i) Elizabeth Burr, Westoning, widow of Edward Burr, yeoman, Hezekiah Burr, S...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 24 Aug 1703
Production date: From: 1703 To: 1703 - 2Reference: ST192
Title: Release of CONVEYANCE (Lease and Release) i) Hezekiah Burr, Stanmore, Middlesex, mealman iia) Matt...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30 Mar 1709
Production date: From: 1709 To: 1709 - 3Reference: WI/340
Title: Conveyance (Feoffment); for £55.10s: Elizabeth Burr (widow and executor of Edward Burr), Edward Burr...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 24 Aug 1703
Production date: From: 1703 To: 1703 - 4Reference: WI/341
Title: Mortgage for £40: Hezekiah Burr, mealman, to Benjamin Lawrence, tallow-chandler, both of Stanmore Ma...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 Sept 1703
Production date: From: 1703 To: 1703 - 5Reference: WI/342
Title: Conveyance (Feoffment) for £55.10s. Hezekiah Burr & wife Mary to Edward Burr of Westoning, yeoman. W...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 May 1709
Production date: From: 1709 To: 1709 - 6Reference: WI/344
Title: Mortgage for £40: Hezekiah Burr to Ambrose Reddall of Eversholt, gentleman. Witnesses: Johnson Red...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 Dec 1708
Production date: From: 1708 To: 1708 - 7Reference: WI/345
Title: Conveyance (Lease for a year [Release missing]): Hezekiah Burr to Matthew Iremonger of St. Albans, H...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 Mar 1709/10
Production date: From: 1709 To: 1710