- 1Reference: X213/203-204
Title: Hunting poem, 21 verses, original and fair copy, composed by H. Thornton Names mentioned: Radcliffe...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 17 Dec 1836
Production date: From: 1836 To: 1836 - 2Reference: HF6/12
Title: Martin v Trimmer and Trimmer v Martin. Regarding property of Thomas Davidson of Henfield, Sussex Esq...
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1876-1878
Production date: From: 1876 To: 1878 - 3Reference: DAH3/4/7/6
Title: The Ouisage no. 49
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jul 1963
Production date: From: 1963 To: 1963 - 4Reference: DAH3/4/8/3
Title: The Ouisage no. 52
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: July 1966
Production date: From: 1966 To: 1966 - 5Reference: DAH3/4/8/4
Title: The Ouisage no. 53
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jul 1967
Production date: From: 1967 To: 1967 - 6Reference: ABCV133/117/22
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Jack Sherman Webb and Frederick William Jakes. Incoming churchwarde...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1969
Production date: From: 1969 To: 1969 - 7Reference: ABCV133/117/23
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Frederick William Jakes and Albert Arthur Frank Boxall.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1970
Production date: From: 1970 To: 1970 - 8Reference: ABCV133/117/24
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Frederick William Jakes and Albert Arthur Frank Boxall.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1971
Production date: From: 1971 To: 1971 - 9Reference: ABCV133/117/25
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Frederick William Jakes and Albert Arthur Frank Boxall.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1972
Production date: From: 1972 To: 1972 - 10Reference: ABCV133/117/26
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Frederick William Jakes and Albert Arthur Frank Boxall.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1975
Production date: From: 1975 To: 1975