- 1Reference: L20/45/3-4
Title: Covenant to suffer a Recovery (L. & R.) 9265 (ii - i.) (i) Sir Wm. Robinson of Newby, Bt., and Da...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 17-18 Jun 1756
Production date: From: 1756 To: 1756 - 2Reference: L20/53
Title: Assignment (redr. of term of 500 yrs.) 700 (iii - i) (i) Thos. Robinson Esq., of Welburn, excr. o...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 May 1765
Production date: From: 1750 To: 1765 - 3Reference: L20/53/1
Title: Mortgage 1000 (500 yrs. term.) (i) Sir Tancred Robinson of Newby, Bt. (ii) Ellen Bowes of York, ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 Feb 1750
Production date: From: 1750 To: 1751