- 1Reference: FR2/6/2/1
Title: Letter From B. Bishop of York St. Wakefield To Henry Brown Will be a vacancy for his son Chas Fred,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 24 Jun 1856
Production date: From: 1856 To: 1856 - 2Reference: FR2/6/2/2
Title: From B. Bishop of York St. Wakefield To Henry Brown (envelope indic H. Brown lives at Stuart St.) Re...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 Jul 1856
Production date: From: 1856 To: 1856 - 3Reference: FR2/6/2/3
Title: Letter From B. Bishop of York St. Wakefield To Henry Brown 2 (sic) boys return to Ackworth on 19th...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 Aug 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1858 - 4Reference: FR2/6/2/4
Title: From B. Bishop of York St. Wakefield To Henry Brown Received £12 from Friends at Luton
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 Aug 1858
Production date: From: 1858 To: 1858 - 5Reference: FR2/6/2/5
Title: Letter From B. Bishop of York St. Wakefield To Henry Brown James Edward's time expires in 5th mont...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Apr 1859
Production date: From: 1859 To: 1859 - 6Reference: FR2/6/2/6
Title: From B. Bishop of York St. Wakefield To Henry Brown Received postal order for £3
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 27 Apr 1859
Production date: From: 1859 To: 1859 - 7Reference: FR2/6/2/7
Title: Letter From B. Bishop of York St. Wakefield To Henry Brown Wld Albans MM object to sending 2 ynges...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Nov 1859
Production date: From: 1859 To: 1859 - 8Reference: FR2/6/2/8
Title: Letter From B. Bishop To Henry Brown Salary for last few mths £110 and £9 interest from public f...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 Nov 1859
Production date: From: 1859 To: 1859 - 9Reference: FR2/6/2/9
Title: From B. Bishop To Henry Brown Received £12 cheque on Sharples, Lucas & Co. Intend to send Jas Ed ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 Dec 1859
Production date: From: 1859 To: 1859 - 10Reference: Z1257/5/4
Title: Photograph album containing black and white photographs of club trophies. Includes lists of past win...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: compiled after 1985
Production date: From: 1901 To: 1985