- 1Reference: Fasti/1/BarL
Title: LITTLE BARFORD - Richard Palmer - 1225 [capellanus, Patron Matthew de Leham, knight] - Fulco de ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1225-1999
Production date: From: 1225 To: 1999 - 2Reference: Fasti/1/Pott
Title: POTTON (St.Mary the Virgin) Rectors - Ralf Foliot, Archdeacon of Hereford and clerk to Henry I...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1181-1997
Production date: From: 1181 To: 1997 - 3Reference: Fasti/1/Stepp
Title: STEPPINGLEY (St.Lawrence) Rectors - William - c.1175; - Richard - 1231 [capellanus; patron Pr...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1175-1996
Production date: From: 1175 To: 1996 - 4Reference: Fasti/1/WardenO
Title: OLD WARDEN (St.Leonard) Rectors - M.Adam - 1215-1220 [capellanus]; - D.Hugh de Pateshill - 1236...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1215-2000
Production date: From: 1215 To: 2000 - 5Reference: Fasti/3/Mark
Title: MARKYATE PRIORY Founded in 1145; a Benedictine nunnery Prioresses - Christina - 1145 [first...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1145 - 1508
Production date: From: 1145 To: 1508 - 6Reference: Z1560/3/1
Title: The Bedfordshire Businessman, a quarterly supplement to the Bedfordshire Times, Bedford Record, Ampt...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1979
Production date: From: 1979 To: 1979 - 7Reference: BMS/RBP/30
Title: Dr Poole's copy of 'Bethany', sacred cantata by P.H. Diemer 'Professor of Music at the Grammer & Mod...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1881
Production date: From: 1881 To: 1881 - 8Reference: PK1/8/7/1194/1
Title: Carbon copy of a letter confirming the negotiation of sale of 32 Grafton Road, Bedford on behalf of ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 Nov 1963
Production date: From: 1963 To: 1963