- 1Reference: Z699/130
Title: Ann May to Priscilla May 10 Oct 1834 Frenchay 10th Mo My dear P. It was not until I had most...
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Date Free Text: 10 Oct 1834
Production date: From: 1834 To: 1834 - 2Reference: BorBF4/68/99
Title: Midsummer Sessions. Recognizance: George Brown of Newgate Street, London, printer, bastardy with A...
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Date Free Text: 14 July 1823
Production date: From: 1823 To: 1823 - 3Reference: FR24/7/14
Title: Letter of attorney (copy)
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Date Free Text: 19 Apr 1750
Production date: From: 1750 To: 1750 - 4Reference: FR24/7/15
Title: Trust deed i) Jas Warr of Cranfield, yeo ii) Abe Biggs of Kempston, yeo iii) Jas Warr, Sam Richardso...
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Date Free Text: 19 Apr 1750
Production date: From: 1750 To: 1750 - 5Reference: PUBZ3/6/12
Title: Folio.17 Ann Ball residing at St Paul, Bedford, singlewoman.
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Date Free Text: 13 October 1823
Production date: From: 1823 To: 1823 - 6Reference: DAH3/4/7/4
Title: The Ouisage no. 47
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Date Free Text: Jul 1961
Production date: From: 1961 To: 1961 - 7Reference: PUBV34/1/69
Title: Removal Order and settlement examination for Ann Ball, singlewoman. Removed from St Peter, Bedford t...
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Date Free Text: 1 October 1841
Production date: From: 1841 To: 1841 - 8Reference: WJ183
Title: Conveyance (Lease and Release) £70
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Date Free Text: 5/6 Apr 1751
Production date: From: 1751 To: 1751 - 9Reference: KK276
Title: Manor of Leighton Buzzard
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Date Free Text: 18, 19 May 1769
Production date: From: 1769 To: 1769 - 10Reference: PM584-585
Title: Fine (2 copies): £60 plaintiff: William Pym, esquire defendant: John Ball and wife Ann ...22 ac...
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Date Free Text: 3 Nov 1784
Production date: From: 1784 To: 1784