- 1Reference: Z743/21
Title: Biggleswade - Cowfairlands Manor of Biggleswade reciting that on 19 July 1882 George Cooper and ...
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Date Free Text: 27 April 1883
Production date: From: 1883 To: 1883 - 2Reference: Z743/22
Title: Biggleswade - Cowfairlands Mortgage i) John Church, Biggleswade, brickmaker ii) Martin Hunnybun...
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Date Free Text: 23 Nov 1883
Production date: From: 1883 To: 1883 - 3Reference: FR24/22/1
Title: Volume of deeds, with index at front
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Date Free Text: 1602-1843
Production date: From: 1602 To: 1843 - 4Reference: Z41/LB10/4/3
Title: Vol.1 No.3 Includes the following: - Chairman's report to Stockholders [pg 2 - 5] - Kings Dyke Wo...
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Date Free Text: May/June 1971
Production date: From: 1971 To: 1971 - 5Reference: HN10/353/CB3
Title: Extracts taken from various deeds concerning Chenies Baptist Chapel and the trustees thereof. Inc...
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Date Free Text: n.d c.1912
Production date: From: 1912 To: 1912 - 6Reference: HN10/353/CB4
Title: Draft Conveyance Parties: (i) Sir Walter Roper Lawrence of 22 Sloane Gardens, London and Victor ...
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Date Free Text: 29 Nov 1912
Production date: From: 1911 To: 1912 - 7Reference: P51/13/2/7
Title: Edward Austin, Jane his wife and children, son Henry aged 5 years, daughter Sarah aged 3 years son J...
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Date Free Text: 9 October 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818 - 8Reference: X496/18/35
Title: Jn. Bryant to Hen. Austin, North Crawley, Bucks., blacksmith
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Date Free Text: 2 Oct 1865
Production date: From: 1865 To: 1865 - 9Reference: X496/18/57
Title: Jas. Robinson to Hen. Austin of North Crawley, Bucks., blacksmith.
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Date Free Text: 23 Jun 1879
Production date: From: 1879 To: 1879 - 10Reference: BorBB7/18/8
Title: Marriage of John Colson of Bedford and Hannah Austin
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Date Free Text: 1 Jan 1832
Production date: From: 1832 To: 1832