- 1Reference: Z1176/1
Title: Photograph Album of Rosa Bullock of Higher I Year at Bedford Training College. Containing the follo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Oct 1926 - July 1927
Production date: From: 1926 To: 1931 - 2Reference: Z1306/9/2/3/11
Title: A group photo of seven people formally dressed. It is noted on the reverse of the card, and by Mr Ch...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Dated 20 May 1927
Production date: From: 1927 To: 1927 - 3Reference: Z1306/9/2/3/12
Title: A view showing a large crowd, many smartly dressed or in academic attire, gathered with six individu...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Dated 20 May 1927
Production date: From: 1927 To: 1927