- 1Reference: B628
Title: Terrier of Houghton Regis Vicarage, in the possession of the Rev. John Donne, clerk, vicar, made 20...
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Date Free Text: 1831-1841
Production date: From: 1831 To: 1841 - 2Reference: PB/O1/8
Title: Bond for £100 of Joseph Douton, Vicar of Biggleswade to Joseph Allen, Bishop of Ely to act as Surro...
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Date Free Text: 14 Jun 1841
Production date: From: 1841 To: 1841 - 3Reference: P133/2/1a
Title: Bargain & Sale
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Date Free Text: 1830-1840
Production date: From: 1830 To: 1840 - 4Reference: P133/2/1b
Title: Declaration of Trust
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Date Free Text: 28 Sep 1840, 25 Feb 1841
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1841 - 5Reference: ABCV41
Title: Episcopal Visitation. Bishop [Ely] Joseph Allen. Inhibition
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Date Free Text: 26 Apr 1841
Production date: From: 1841 To: 1841 - 6Reference: ABCV42
Title: Episcopal Visitation. Bishop [Ely] Joseph Allen. Relaxation
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Date Free Text: 20 Nov 1841
Production date: From: 1841 To: 1841 - 7Reference: WE2063
Title: Deed of Exchange
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Date Free Text: 1839
Production date: From: 1839 To: 1839