Advanced search

Advanced search is the default search. (To search by date or multiple subject terms, go to Expert search by clicking the button to the left. Don’t be put off by the name it is easy really).The important thing to remember is that we index/tag/keyword our catalogue in the same way as a reference book (remember those?)

1. Click the Search in drop-down list to open it. Here, choose either the archive (default) or library database to search in. The library database refers to the reference items in our public searchroom, the archive database refers to the archival collections we hold in our strongrooms. You cannot search in more than one database at a time. However, in some cases you will find that we have cross-referenced between the two databases when we think that might be useful.

2. The search fields visible depend on the database you chose in step 1. Type the word or name on which you want to search, in the relevant entry field. As long as at least one value is filled in, you can start the search.

Beside some entry fields you’ll find a binoculars icon. With this button you can look up all words that occur in the relevant field in the database. This is handy if you are not sure about the index terms used by the archive service. Your search will always yield results if you use the search terms you know we have used. The best way to start is to type in the keyword you think we may have used then click on the binoculars – this shows you whether that word has been used by us and also may suggest refinements, for example the subject Bedfordshire Regiment can be refined to a particular battalion e.g. Bedfordshire Regiment, 1st battalion. Use the ? beside each field to see specific examples.

In fields that have no binoculars button, you can enter multiple words, separated by spaces (then all words must occur in a result).

3. With the Sort by and Sort order options you can choose if you would like the search result to be sorted at all (ascending or descending), and if so, on which field. This is especially handy if your search generates a lot of results. Just mark the relevant Sort by/Sort order button by clicking it.

4. We suggest you always start by asking for 50 results per page.

5. Click the Search button to start the search.

Use the Clear button to erase all entry fields, for a new search.

Expert search

If you want to search by date range or multiple subject terms at one go then Expert search is the appropriate search method for you. Don’t be put off by the name it is easy really, but it had to be called something.

With the left mouse button, click the Expert search button in the column on the left, to be able to search on multiple words and combine the search statements through Boolean operators, on the Search tab.

1. Click the Search in drop-down list to open it. Here, choose the database to search in. You cannot search in more than one database at a time.

2. In the drop-down list on the following line you must choose a field in which you want to search. Which fields are available, depends on the database you chose in step 1. Depending on the field type, you can sometimes choose another operator than “=” in the drop-down list directly to the right of it. In that case (e.g. for the Year field), a drop-down list is available in which you can also choose “Between”, “>” (greater than), “<” (smaller than), “<=” (smaller than or equal to) and “>=” (greater than or equal to).

3. In the field next to the operator, type the word, number or name on which you want to search. You may provide just a partial word, in such a case you search truncated, as we call it; then mark the Truncation checkbox. If the term you enter is already a whole word, e.g. “table”, and you don’t want the search to extend to words like “tablespoon”, then you must deselect this option.

4. To extend this search statement, click the + sign behind the search line. Now you can enter a second search statement. You have to combine the two search statements with a Boolean operator. For this purpose, at the end of this line a drop-down list is present. From this list, choose either “and”, “or”, or “and not”. With “and” a result must comply to both search lines, with “or” a result must comply to at least one of both search lines, and with “and not” a result must comply to the first search line but not to the second. The search statements are executed from top to bottom. This is important when you combine search statements. The result of the first two lines will be combined with the third line, and the result thereof in turn will be combined with the fourth line, etc. So, place the combined search statement that has to be executed first, at the top.

As long as at least one value is filled in, you can start the search.

5. With the Sort by and Sort order options you can choose if you would like the search result to be sorted at all (ascending or descending), and if so, on which field. This is especially handy if your search generates a lot of results. Just mark the relevant Sort by/Sort order button by clicking it.

6. We recommend that you always select 50 Records per page

7. Click the Search button to start the search.

Use the Clear button to erase all entry fields here, for a new search.