• Reference
  • Title
    Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Believed to have been written mainly by Mary Gladman [nee McClelland]
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1970 To: 1970
  • Scope and Content
    Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken at Manor Farm: - Usual jobs on the farm such as ploughing, harrowing, drilling, weeding, fertilising, planting mangolds and potatoes, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, baling, etc. - Cattle: calving, milking, feeding, when out in fields, vet visits for T.T. tests and emergencies, taking cows to market (ususally at St. Albans on a Wednesday). - Agricultural machinery; purchase and repairs, using Olivers Agricultural Machinery. - Family and social events such as visits from family and friends, illnesses of family, employees and friends, marriages and funerals. - Visits to local towns for shopping, banking, and other events. At the beginning of the year, the workers on the farm are Peter Baker and George Smith. Also references to B.C. [Bernard Cooper?] and Eddie. Also includes: 1 Jan: 'Mother here as I was in bed with flu.' 9 Jan: Got new teeth. Note above 25 Jan: Peter went to hospital about his eye. 30 Jan: YFC [Young Farmers Club] Dinner Dance. 21st. 6 Feb: NFU [National Farmers Union] Dinner. 12 Feb: Light snow then blizzard - everything disrupted. No electricity till 9.00pm. 4 Mar: Heaviest snow of the winter -snowed and drifted all day. No electricity. 11 Mar: Went to London to Ideal Home exhibition. 14 Mar: Claude and Alasdair at football. 8 Apr: Heavy snow showers. 14 Apr: Mrs Rose went to hospital Note above 16 Apr: Mrs Rose died suddenly last night. 20 Apr: Mrs Rose funeral. 27 Apr: Men putting grass seed on wet patches by hand. 1 May: Cows went out. 4 May: Visit from training board rep. 22 May: Left for holiday - returned 1 June [Handwriting changes] Note below 23 May: Alasdair passed fro grammar school. 30 May: Church fete. Note above 4 Jun: Peter had driving test - failed again. 18 Jun: Election day. 27 Jun: Alasdair went on sponsored walk. 1 Jul: George tarring sheds. 4 Jul: Scout fair - pony rides. 9 Jul: Peter at Royal Show. 23 Jul: Claude put in new Rayburn. 5 Aug: Mr Speir's funeral [Thomas Cunningham Speirs] 27 Aug: Mrs Butler's funeral. Power cut but generator going. 3 Sep: Claude and Alasdair at Royal Bucks Show. 5 Sep: Village produce show. 7 Sep: Peter one month's notice. 8 Sep: Alasdir started at Dunstable Grammar School. 16 Sep: Picked blackberries. 26 Sep: Carole very upset as Bamber died suddenly [pony?]. 18 Sep: Chapel harvesy festival. Note after 3 Oct 'Peter Baker finished work 2 October and moved on Sunday.' 6 Oct: Dress making classes. 9 Oct: Violet started helping in the house. Sat 10 Oct: 'Carole not well and came home from work. Dr. Coombs here. Her hands were very bad. Carole finished at hairdressing.' 21 Oct: Ordered Austin car. 31 Oct: Chapel sale opened by Mayor and Mayoress. 11 Nov: Carole bought Happy Landings [pony?] 12 Nov: Fred got married. 14 Nov: Dunstable Grammar School bazaar. 16 Nov: Carole at doctor for last visit. 19 Nov: Church anniversary. 23 Nov: Carole started work at Boots. 8 Dec: Power cut 3-6pm [Electricians’ union work-to-rule strike resulted in national blackouts; several power cuts noted in the diary fro following days] 15 Dec: NFU Ladies Night. 20 Dec: Chapel play. 26 Dec: Good fall of snow.
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