• Reference
  • Title
    Copy of article entitle 'The Running Stream' from November 1898 issue of The Wesleyan Methodist Record of the Darlington Bondgate Circuit. It is the story of the Ashton Street Mission in Luton, part of the Waller Street Circuit.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1898 To: 1898
  • Original held by Joyce Perry, great niece of James Perry mentioned in the article.
  • Scope and Content
    The article starts with the visit of Wesley to Luton on 29 October 1778 where he preached in a temporary preaching house set up by Mr Cole which became the Methodist Chapel in Church Street. This chapel was endowed by Mr Cole in his will in 1785. A Sunday evening mission service was established there by James Perry and Henry Duck and soon expanded into the Baths and the Corn Exchange as the congregation increased. An iron building was acquired and moved to Hightown where the congregation continued to grow and a Sunday School and Band of Hope were established. In 1898 James Gillam was leading a strong evangelical team. Several stories of conversions are given including the account of Alfred Charels Tollerton who was brought into the Joyful News Wesleyan Mission and eventually went as a missionary to china where he died aged 24. The article ends with the note that the Mission is overcrowded and requires a new bulding to continue its work.
  • Format
  • Level of description
  • A Miscellany of Woburn
    Notes : Panphlet