• Reference
  • Title
    Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Believed to have been written mainly by Mary Gladman [nee McClelland]
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1967 To: 1967
  • Scope and Content
    Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken at Manor Farm: - Usual jobs on the farm such as ploughing, harrowing, drilling, weeding, fertilising, planting mangolds and potatoes, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, baling, etc. - Cattle: calving, milking, feeding, when out in fields, vet visits for T.T. tests and emergencies, taking cows to market (ususally at St. Albans on a Wednesday). - Agricultural machinery; purchase and repairs, using Olivers Agricultural Machinery. - Family and social events such as visits from family and friends, illnesses of family (particularly father), employees and friends, marriages and funerals. - Visits to local towns for shopping, banking, cinema and other events. Also includes: 13 Jan: Ordered a Triumph 1300. 30 Jan: Vet for S19 injections. 25 Feb: Carole broke bones in her foot and stayed in hospital [overnight]. 1 Mar: new car arrived. 6 Mar: Carole to hospital. 20 Mar: Carole to hospital. 25 Mar: Went to Waterend Barn in evening. 28 Mar: Mr Weall here about cottage. 1 Apr: Oluf left - going home to Denmark. 1 May: Snow showers and cold. 5 May: Mr Senior [vet] testing. 20 May: Studham May fair. 25 May: Vet for S19 injections. 3 Jun: Hertfordshire Show - Claude and children went. 23 Jun: Andy off to go to Ascot. 24 Jun Mrs Tarsey fete. 5 Jul: Went to Royal Show. 6 Jul: Carole German measles; Daddy [Thomas McClelland] died. 11 Jul: Daddy's funeral. 14 Jul: Mr Senior here at T.T. Test. 24 Jul: Took children to the zoo. 29 Jul: 'Senior her one and a half hours or more at roan heifer but could not calf her. Had to go to Butcher.' 11 Aug: Blacksmith here. 30 Aug: Auntie Emily died [Emily Allen, nee McClelland]. 4 Sep: Carole broke foot. 5 Sep: Auntie Emily funeral. 22 Sep: Carole had plaster off. 24 Sep: Chapel harvest festival. 2 Oct: A Wilkins started work. 6 Oct Heifer calved dead twins. 9 Oct: Mother went to Scotland 9returned 12 Sep). 4 Nov: Vet at pony. Note 18 Sep: Foot and Mouth very bad - Bobby couldn't move Herefords. 23 Nov: Foot and Mouth getting nearer. 8 Dec: Lot of snow. Bought Alasdair a sledge.
  • Level of description