• Reference
  • Title
    Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Believed to have been written mainly by Anne McClelland, but some entries in other handwriting when writer on holiday. [Note: writer refers to husband as 'father']
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1966 To: 1966
  • Scope and Content
    Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken at Manor Farm: - Usual jobs on the farm such as ploughing, harrowing, drilling, weeding, fertilising, planting mangolds and potatoes, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, baling, etc. - Cattle: calving, milking, feeding, when out in fields, vet visits for T.T. tests and emergencies, taking cows to market (ususally at St. Albans on a Wednesday). - Agricultural machinery; purchase and repairs, using Olivers Agricultural Machinery. - Family and social events such as visits from family and friends; grandchildren staying over, illnesses of family, employees and friends, marriages and funerals. - Visits to local towns for shopping, banking, and other events. Also includes: Note above 2 Jan: Bob [Robert Haines] gave notice. Note above 6 Jan: Increase in men's wages. Note below 8 Jan: Bobby & Sheila here on Saturday as Iain going to boarding shcool. 15 Jan: R Haines left. Not really sorry. 16 Jan: Very snowy. David Mann arrived. 19 Jan: Busy feeding cattle and thawing water. 5 Feb: House very damp with condensation. 7 Jan: Claude at doctor - has ringworm. Note after 26 Feb: It has rained all week and all outside work at a standstill. 2 Mar: Got new television. 8 Mar: T.T. testing. 10 Mar: Carole's pony not well - vet called. 11 Mar: Pony better. T.T. test showed some reactors and some re-tests needed. 24 Mar: Finished drilling, Snow showers. 31 Mar: Paddy died in early morning [Patrick Millea of Church Street, Studham]. Went to vote in afternoon. 2 Apr: Paddy's funeral at Dunstable. Note after 15 Apr: Very miserable week - snow and biterly cold. No outside work; fields very wet. Note before 24 Apr: George started work. Note above 12 May: T.T. animals re-tested and all OK. 19 May: Hertfordshire Show. 28 May: Claude, Mary and family left for holiday at Butlins [returned 4 June] 9 Jun: Started to cut hay. 11 Jun: Worst thunder storm for years. 23 Jun: David off for driving test - didn't pass. 4 Jul: All hay now baled. 6 Jul: Claude, Mary and family at Royal Show. Note above 10 Jul: Ann Clow's wedding [to David Juggins] 19 Jul: J Hillier here about transfer of farm. 28 Jul: Tarsey's lorry took Mary's furniture down and ours up [Thomas and Anne moved from the farm house to 21 Common Road]. From this date, the hand writing in the diary changes - believed to be to that of Mary Gladman] 29 Jul: Daddy & Mother slept at No. 21. 30 Jul: England won the World Cup. Note under 6 Aug: This was our first week at Manor Farm. 15 Aug: David passed driving test. 18 Aug: Paul started work. 22 Aug: Viv Dawson died. 25 Aug: Boy didn't come [Paul?] John McClelland died. 30 Aug: V Dawson funeral. 1 Sep: J McCelland funeral. 2 Sep: Sacked Paul. 10 Sep: Carole at Little Gaddesden gymkhana. 17 Sep: Finished combining. 21 Sep: Finished baling. 2 Oct: Chapel harvest festival. 8 Oct: David left. 29 Oct: Danish student came for interview [Oluf]. 30 Oct: Bobby here to meet J Hillier to sign partnership. 14 Nov: Peter started work. 6 Dec: Claude to Smithfield. 18 Dec: Chapel nativity play. 20 Dec: Oluf to Foreign Office. 25 Dec: Went to Common Road [parents] for dinner and tea.
  • Level of description