Depositon: The informacon of Lidda Cobb, Anne Gurney and John Rippingale taken upon oath before Sir John Napier Barronet on 23 August 1680
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From: 1680 To: 1680
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The informant Lidda Cobb sayth that John Reynolds came into William Spencers house this morninge and desired Spencers wife to goe up sraires with him, she not beinge at leisure sent her daughter who called this informant to goe up with her, and soe soone as Reynolds came into the chamber he pretended that he had lost his steele there but could finde none, then he pretended to looke for a bagg and tumbled up the clothes of a bed where he lay, and of another bed in the same chamber (but none found) and did run his hand into the middle of the bed, but found not his bagg. And within lesse than halfe an houre there began a fire in the same bed.
The informant Anne Gurney sayth that shee saw John Reynolds goe alonge the street, who asked him what was the matter in the towne who reply'd that they say there is a fire in the towne, and if there be lett them take the benefitt of it to themselves.
The informant John Rippingale sayth that on Saturday morninge last (about one or two of the clock) he found John Reynolds in the street neer William Spencers house, and did aske him what he did there at that tyme of night he gave him no answer to that, but said that Spencer and his wife were very badd (or devilish badd) people, and that he would be even with them err it was longe. And further these informants doe say.
J. Napier.
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