Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Believed to have been written mainly by Anne McClelland, but some entries in other handwriting when writer on holiday.
[Note: writer refers to husband as 'father']
Date free text
Production date
From: 1955 To: 1955
Scope and Content
Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken on the farm and at Munden (muck spreading, taking out dung, ploughing, thrashing, grinding oats, barley & wheat, spreading phosphates, planting mangel wurzels and potatoes, hedging, harrowing, drilling, rolling, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, agricultural machinery repairs). Social events, visits and visitors, illnesses of family, employees and friends. Trips to London, Luton, Bedford, Hemel Hempstead and other places for shopping, banking, eye tests, theatre and other events.
Also includes:
1 Jan: Bobby moved to Munden [Watford]. Party at night; Stewarts, Clows, Mary & Claude [Gladman]
4 Jan: Snow all day.
6 Jan: Bullock died - no anthrax [had liver ulcer].
Note after 15 Jan: Very wintery weather - a lot of snow and ice. Worst for many years all over the country.
17 Jan: Water all frozen up.
18 Jan: T.T. testing; Bobby came over to help. Mr Senior [vet] finished by 3.30pm.
26 Jan: New fireplace arrived.
8 Feb: Went to London with Alice.
12 Feb; Father at football.
17 Feb: Water al frozen up.
22 Feb: Vet did blood test and 2 re-tests.
23 Feb: Went to Dunstable and bus stuck in snow.
25 Feb: Harold off again (also Tuesday) to go to doctor with sore hand and take little girl to have stitches out of face.
Note after 5 Mar: The snow has lain all the time; very little thaw.
6 Mar: Snow and sleet and bitterly cold.
14 Mar: Thawed all day and nice sun. John gave notice.
19 Mar: Good fall of snow during night.
25 Mar: John left in afternoon.
27 Mar: Don off in afternoon for children's party at Munden.
1 Apr: No frost; really nice spring day.
21 Apr: Newspapers here again after several weeks [There had been no national newspapers printed due to a strike].
Note after 23 Apr: We now need rain very badly.
28 Apr: Drill broke down - went to Oliver's to get it mended.
1 May: Rained all day - badly needed. Alice home for days off.
6 May: Crowd from Scotland arrived for Silverstone races.
12 May: J Hillier came with books - all OK.
18 May: Worst May night for years; snowed all night, wind at gale force. Snow disappearing quickly.
23 May: Started holiday [returned 4 June].
24 May: Vet came to inject cows.
26 May: Election day.
Note after 25 June: Haymaking started 24 June.
26 Jun: Very hot; 1 can of milk sour.
27 Jun: 3 cans sour.
2 Jul: Major breakdown with mower hitting tree roots.
Note above 10 Jul: Sour milk for 3 days.
11 Jul: No water as pump belt broken.
15 Jul: Bedford Show.
18 Jul: Roy Pemberton and brother came and bought two heifers.
Note after 6 Aug: Still no rain and grass all dried up.
11 Aug: Long drought broken by thunder storm in afternoon, but not enough to do good.
15 Aug: Harold started to dig for rain water.
16 Aug: Harold and Father digging for water.
17 Aug: Digging for water and got mai turned on at 4.0pm.
22 Aug: Hottest day of year.
Note after 3 Sep: The good weather continued but did not get on with harvest because of trouble with combine.
17 Sep: Father at Munden to watch Iain [McClelland] because of Charle Wear's wedding [writer ill in bed].
19 Sep: Finished harvest - last of wheat.
23 Sep: Went to Scotland [returned 2 Oct].
25 Sep: Bad cow with cut teats - vet came.
28 Sep: Harold and Don finished thatching first stack. Vet came to see cow with mastitis.
1 Oct: Geoff got married.
6 Oct: Bruce had an accident and went home with his father.
10 Oct: Started lifting potatoes - very poor crop; very small.
21 Oct: Bruce off to go ot Motor Show.
25 Oct: Father at Dairy Show with Clow and Sloan.
11 Nov: Geoff off for interview in Suffolk.
Note after 12 Oct: Bruce has broken finger and is off.
2 Dec: Bruce came back.
5 Dec: Father at Smithfield with Bobby.
6 Dec: Bruce went home to have plaster off finger.
9 Dec: Don gave notice. Bruce returned.
11 Dec: Complete change in weather. Cows in at night for first time.
Note after 24 Dec: Man came for interview but not very hopeful - poor result to advertisement.
27 Dec: Alice had driving lesson.
Level of description