Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Handwriting changes, but believed to have been written mainly by Anne McClelland, possibly with other entries by Thomas, Robert and Mary McCelland.
[Note: writer refers to husband as 'father']
Date free text
Production date
From: 1953 To: 1953
Scope and Content
Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken on the farm (muck spreading, taking out dung, ploughing, thrashing, grinding oats, barley & wheat, spreading phosphates, planting mangel wurzels and potatoes, hedging, harrowing, drilling, rolling, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, agricultural machinery repairs). Gallons of milk sometimes noted. Social events, visits and visitors, illnesses of family, employees and friends. Trips to London, Luton, Bedford, Hemel Hempstead and other places for shopping, banking, eye tests, theatre and other events.
Also includes:
6 Jan: Heavy fall of snow.
9 Jan: Women's Institute party. Father at poultry sale at Potton End - bought small hen house for Mary. £5.
Memo after 11 Jan: Outside work at a standstill because of weather.
2 Feb: Went to Luton and got material for curtains.
4 Feb: Bobby off with 'flu. Father at football with Clow.
Note at top of page commencing 9 Feb: Foot & Mouth at Dunstable.
12 Feb: Phone out of order.
Note at top of page commencing 16 Feb: Could not take bull calf to Luton because of foot & mouth.
25 Feb: Finished threshing for the year.
17 Mar: Went to Ideal Home Exhibition.
23 Mar: Went to Luton with Father with bull calf.
31 Mar: Got 50 chickens - 5 weeks old.
11 Apr: Ernest gave notice. Father at football with Clow.
12 Apr: Ernest's last weekend at milking.
20 Apr: Ernest left in the morning.
21 Apr: First lot of kale seed sowed.
Memo after 26 Apr: Very busy as short handed; applicants not very promising.
11 May: Mother & Father went on holiday [Thomas & Anne McClelland]. Luton market with calf.
13 May: Dunstable market with calf.
14 May: Went to Luton for new milking machine.
27 May: Mother & Father return from holiday [Thomas & Anne McClelland]
29 May: Bobby & Julie went on holiday.
2 Jun: Coronation Day [of Queen Elizabeth II]. Wild showers and very cold. Watched television.
8 Jun: went to London in evening - home 3.00am.
11 Jun: Bobby home.
15 Jun: Bought 2 cows.
24 Jun: Cut first of hay for 1953.
27 Jun: Electricity cut in afternoon - did not finish milking till 8.00pm.
4 Jul: Clow came to bale in late evening and got once round chapel field.
6 Jul: Bobby finished cutting hay.
18 Jul: Bedford Show.
22 Jul: New tractor arrived and old one went away.
25 Jul: Julie's sow farrowed.
13 Aug: Finished cutting wheat.
2 Sep: Went to London and got fur coat.
11 Sep: Mother & Father left for Scotland. [Thomas & Anne McClelland] - returned 25 Sep.
22 Sep: Sold and delivered pigs to Dagnall.
26 Sep: Carol Butler's wedding.
9 Oct: Dug potatoes - not a great crop.
17 Oct: Bobby and Julie went to see farm at Ampthill.
18 Oct: Father & Bobby went back to Ampthill - no great show.
9 Nov: To Dunstable to get Mary's new car and washing machine.
10 Nov: Milk down 20 gallons daily - vet says no infection.
Memo after 15 Nov: the cows were a great worry this week. Vet does not this it is an epidemic but it has caused a lot of work.
19 Nov: Olivers men here 2 days wiring for new crusher.
20 Nov: Richard away to interview for Kent Farm Institute.
26 Nov: New car came.
27 Nov: Father and Bobby went to see a bull - not very impressed.
7 Dec: Got new washing machine.
15 Dec: Mr Senior here all day - tested 150 animals.
17 Dec: Men diggibg for septic tank at cottage.
18 Dec: T.T. test had a few doubtful ones.
25 Dec: Up at 5.30am, had milk rewady 7.15am. Nice day, Did not see anyone except Mary & Claude.
Level of description