• Reference
  • Title
    Farm diary relating to Manor Farm Studham. Handwriting changes, but believed to have been written mainly by Anne McClelland, possibly with other entries by Thomas, Robert and Mary McCelland. [Note: writer refers to husband as 'father']
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1952 To: 1952
  • Scope and Content
    Daily entries include observations on the weather and jobs undertaken on the farm (muck spreading, taking out dung, ploughing, thrashing, grinding oats, barley & wheat, spreading phosphates, planting mangel wurzels and potatoes, hedging, harrowing, drilling, rolling, fencing, cutting hay, harvesting, agricultural machinery repairs). Gallons of milk sometimes noted. Social events, visitors, illnesses of family, employees and friends. Also includes: 1 Jan: Building new wall in cowshed. 12 Jan: Women's Institute party. Mr Callender here to shoot; got 2 rabbits. 22 Jan: Mr Weall here to see about cellar damp. Car would not start. 25 Jan: At Bedford for Burns Night supper. Some snow. 28 Jan; No water again [frozen pipes]. 29 Jan: 2 burst pipes. 30 Jan: Martins left the cottage. 2 Feb: Busy painting cottage. 6 Feb: King died in his sleep. 7 Feb: Father at football with Stewart. Memo after 24 Feb: Got new car - great excitement. 5 Mar: went shopping in Banbury. 7 Mar: Bobby made calf pen. 10 Mar: Went to Barnet after a farm: nothing doing. 14 Mar: BBC opening of Scottish Television. New tractor. 25 Mar: Marked all young stock. 29 Mar: Storm with snow which drifted badly. Memo after 30 Mar: The worst snow since we came to Manor Farm. 31 Mar: Shovelled snow and got road opened. Milk lorry arrived by 4 pm. 26 Apr: Went to Northampton with 3 cows. 5 May: Ernest at court in Luton. Heifer in field calved. 7 May: Pump broke down: Fire brigade brought 800 gallons of water. 5 Jun: Uncle John arrived in evening. 6 Jun: Prepared for wedding. 7 Jun: Pleased with wedding [of Mary M McCelland to Claude Gladman]. Everything went according to plan. Glad when it was all over. Memo after 29 Jun: This has been the warmest week since we came to Manor Farm. 8 Jul: White heifer calved. 12 Jul: Bedford Show. 15 Jul: No water - fire brigade brought 2 loads. 19 Jul: Alice's 21st birthday party. 23 Jul: Alan and Bobby at Young Farmers Club. Memo afrer 27 Jul: The hot weather continued. Everywhere is parched and dried up, but no sign of any rain. 31 Jul: Men finished pump at 7.00pm Water at last. 5 Aug: No water again. 15 Aug: Cutting finished for 1952. 29 Aug: Mother & Father [Thomas & Anne McCelland] to Scotland. 22 Sep: Irwin gave notice. 28 Sep: Harvest festival at chapel. Irwin left. 7 Oct: Bobby and Ernest at dung with new spreader. 15 Oct: Had to get vet, Calf dead. 20 Oct: Young Farmers here at night. 25 Oct: Bobby's wedding [to Julie A Osborne] 7 Nov: Terrible storm in night. Walnut tree blown down - cleared u the branches in the road. 26 Nov: Snow storm at 4.00pm. 28 Nov: Went to Bedford in evening with Stewarts: took 2 hours to get home because of fog. Memo below 30 Nov: The frost and snow have been awful - worst in living memory. 10 Dec: Bobby at Smithfield. 12 Dec: Vet here to calve a cow - calf died. 16 Dec: Sweep arrive to do dining room chimney.
  • Level of description