• Reference
  • Title
    Bishop's Transcript for 1617 - Biggleswade only
  • Date free text
    Easter 1617 - Easter 1618
  • Production date
    From: 1617 To: 1618
  • Scope and Content
    A true inventarie of [all t]he persons that have bene baptized, married and buried in the parish of Bickleswad in the Countie of Bedford from the five and twentieth day of March in the yeare of our lord god 1617 untill the five and twentieth day of March in the yeare of our lord god 1618 Baptizeinges 1617 APRILL Clement East sonne of Thomas East was baptized the 25th day of MAY Winifride Missat daughter of Edward Missat was baptized the 26th day of May · JUNE Elizabeth Sole daughter of William Sole was baptized the first day of June John Brothers sonne of John Brothers was baptized the 29th day of June JULY Marie Bray daughter of Edward Bray was baptized the 7th day of July William Browne sonne of Richard Browne was baptized the 13th day of July AUGUST Margaret Kebbis daughter of Richard Kebbis was baptized the eightenth day of Marke Turtle sonne of Richard Turtle was baptized the 24th day of Elizabeth Usher daughter of John Usher was baptized the 31th day of SEPTEMBER Joane Reynoldes daughter of Richard Reynoldes was baptized the 14th day of Anne Hynd daughter of Robert Hynd was baptized the 15th day of Joan Knot daughter of William Knot was baptized the 16th day of Luke Dorrington sonne of Nicholas Dorrington was baptized the 18th day of Franncis Hemming daughter of Willyam Hemming was baptized the same day of OCTOBER Thomas Easton sonne of Thomas Easton was baptized the 10th day of William White sonne of William White was baptized the 12th day of NOVEMBER Jane the daughter of Ruth Hayes was baptized the 9th day of Elizabeth daughter of Ide Griffin was baptized the 30th day of Marie Mace daughter of John Mace was baptized the 14th day of DECEMBER Marie Matthie daughter of William Matthie was baptized the 28th day of MARCH Elizabeth Wilkinson daughter of Humphrie Wilkinson was baptized the 15th day of Anne Inwin daughter of John Inwin was baptized the 22th day of Mariages 1617 JUNE Thomas Mace and Marie Haredon weare married the 22th day of June Lawrence Rayner and Margery Mounford weare married the 28th day of June JULY Thomas Magon and Elizabeth North weare married the 6th day of July AUGUST William Rigmond and Alice Estridge weare married the 16th day of August OCTOBER Thomas Luffe and Elizabeth Edwardes weare married the 2th day of October Robert Hunt and Joane Edwardes weare married the 12th day of October Robert Middleton and Ide Griffin weare married the 20th day of October NOVEMBER Robert Knight and Alice Yeeling were married the 6th day of November Edward Iverie and Elizabeth Yeeling weare married the 24th day of November JANUARY Gyles Pettit and Matthie Lancaster weare married the 19th day of January Thomas Rossell and Elizabeth Walker weare married the 29th day of January Burialles 1617 MARCH George Pearson was buried the 28th day of March APRILL Widdow Horlie was buried the 2th day of Aprill Elizabeth Luffe was buried the 4th day of Aprill Ursulie Mead daughter of Henery Mead was buried the 9th day of Aprill Joane Hill was buried the 11th day of Aprill Ellen Rigmond was buried the 12[?]th day of Aprill Marie Yeeling daughter of George Yeeling was buried the 14th day of Aprill Anne Draper was buried the 19th day of Aprill Joane Meade was buried the 21th day of Aprill Joseph Draper was buried the 22th day of Aprill Ralphe Angell was buried the 25th day of Aprill Caterine Inkersole was buried the 28th day of Aprill Henery March was buried the 29th day of March [possibly scribe's mistake and month supposed to be April] MAY Rabinet Sole was buried the first day of May John Truelove was buried the 2th day of May Samuell Asbelt was buried the same day John Currall was buried the 3th day of May Alice Scot was buried the 5th day of May Ellen Matthew was buried the 6th day of May Ellen Walker was buried the 8th day of May John Mead was buried the 10th day of May Judith Newsam was buried the 20th day of May William Rawlie was buried the one and twentieth day of May Joane Cole was buried the 23th day of May John March sonne of Henery March was buried the 26th day of May JUNE John Sole was buried the 9th day of June JULY Thomas Foster sonne of Christopher Foster was buried the 12th day of July John Towensend was buried the 19th day of July William Browne sonne of Richard Browne was buried the same day AUGUST Thomas Jony was buried the 31th day of August SEPTEMBER Joane Reinolds daughter of Richard Reinoldes was buried the 15th day of September Anne Smarte was buried the same day Richard Easton sonne of Thomas Easton was buried the 15th day of September Joane Knot daughter of William Knot was buried the 17th day of September OCTOBER Julian Reinoldes was buried the 5th day of October Thomas Easton sonne of Thomas Easton was buried the 12th day of October John Claydon was buried the 13th day of October Joane Cotton daughter of Franncis Cotton was buried the 16th day of October Anne Wilson was buried the 17th day of October NOVEMBER Mistris Winnefride Easton wiffe of Master Thomas Easton was buried the 17th day of November Franncis Hemming daughter of William Hemming was buried the 24th day of November DECEMBER Robert Taylor was buried the 30th day of December Alice Thomasing was buried the 31th day of December Thomas Hancocke was buried the same day JANUARY Jane Collins was buried the 2th day of January Ellen Normanton was buried the 3th day of January Caterine Paine was buried the 5th day of January Annie Paine was buried the 12th day of January Widdow Browne was buried the 13th day of January William Churchman was buried the 15th day of January John Cadwell was buried the 20th day of January Thomas Hale the younger was buried the 29th day of January FEBRUARY Richard Nore sonne of Bush Nore was buried the 6th day of February Thomas Hawkes was buried the 10th day of February Betteris Hayward was buried the 22th day of February MARCH Master John Dier was buried the 6th day of March John Fleming sonne of Henery Flemming was buried the 13th day of March Richard Stringer: Minister John Underwood, Thomas Bates: Churchwardens [Transcribed by Adrian Finch, November 2024] [Months capitalised for ease of browsing]
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